Category: Tutorials

  • Wireless Bridge + VPN Gateway

    There’s quite a few guides out there that cover how to make a VPN gateway on a Raspberry Pi, but all of them fall short of getting all of the pieces of the puzzle in place, so I had to figure it out the hard way. What is a VPN Gateway? A VPN Gateway provides…

  • Howto IPv6 on Spectrum using OPNSense

    Hey friends, I spent the last several days digging through different posts and getting half the information, so I wanted to make a short post so people know how to get IPv6 working with Spectrum, aka Time Warner Cable back in the day… for reference I am on the East Coast, so maybe that affects…

  • How to add IPv6 to VLANs on an Edgerouter

    While many people still just use IPv4, IPv6 is great to have if your ISP provides it. In my case I have Spectrum Internet, and they have IPv6 fully rolled out in my area. This guide will be assuming you already have a VLAN configured, and that you have clients able to connect properly at…